
Saturday, January 5, 2013


Nursing the little guy is going really well! Breast feeding is always something that is up in the air until your baby arrives, and I am thrilled that it is working out for our family. I have to use nipple shields since my nipples don't quite stick out far enough for him to latch on to. I'm sure if I tried hard enough right now that he would be able to latch on, but I don't want to frustrate him or myself if I don't have to.

The first week of nursing was hard. Matt was eating every 2 to 2.5 hours around the clock and I was definitely not used to being awake that often. They don't lie when they say your nipples will hurt! I made it through the nipple soreness by using lots of lanolin cream and ice packs! I didn't notice much with engorgement when my milk came in, it just seemed to show up. However, now I can definitely tell if he hasn't eaten in awhile. I've been lucky with some 4 hour sleeping stretches at night, and sometimes my ladies will definitely hurt!

I've also started trying to pump a bit after a feeding here and there. I'm not concerned about nipple confusion because of using the nipple shields. I haven't really figured out how long I need to pump for, but I've been getting a decent amount of ounces and Adam has been able to feed our big little boy two bottles. I love hearing him interact with Matthew and laugh at his little intricacies while feeding. I get to laugh and smile at them all the time, so it makes me happy that Adam gets to experience that, too. It is also much easier to give him his Vitamin D supplement in the bottle than with the dropper in his mouth!

Another benefit to nursing, which I know you all hear, is how the weight just melts off! I've already lost 30 plus pounds since birth 3 weeks ago. I'm not hungrier during meals, but I am hungry more frequently. I've been trying to remember to keep some snacks in the nursery for midnight feedings, because that is when I am most hungry and I don't always feel like going down stairs to find food in the middle of the night when all I want to do is get back in my warm bed!

Well, that is my recap of how nursing is going. I'm so thankful and blessed to be able to do this for my son, and for our family. Formula is not cheap!

Sterilizing all those breast pump parts!

First frozen 4 ounces of liquid gold!


  1. Great update! And good job sticking with it even though that first week sounded tough! I've got my lanolin ready to go in my hospital bag and hope I can do as well as you! Holy cow, 30+ pounds in 3 weeks?! That is crazy! In addition to the bonding, the antibodies, the easy to digest nutrition, and the money saving aspects of breastfeeding, the weightloss is definitely something I am looking forward to! Having my (semi) normal body back seems like it will never happen at this point...I feel like shortness of breath, back pain, swollen feet, and a little waddle in my walk are just my new reality! Keep up the awesome job! You are a natural, mama!

  2. I'm so glad it is going good for you. We are working out some kinks but things are going good for us too. Reagan does more of a cluster feed which the nurses assure me is normal. As she gets older they will get more of a pattern. 30lbs in 3 weeks you must feel like a whole new woman!
