
Friday, November 2, 2012

34 Weeks and 2 Days!

Just got home from our doctor's appointment. Everything is looking good with our little man! He is head down and the amount of amniotic fluid is looking good so he has enough cushion in there to bounce around safely!

I fully expected to be sleeping like crap at this point, but I'm doing surprisingly well. I fall asleep fast, and sleep hard. I do wake up every 2 to 3 hours to go to the bathroom, but don't really have a problem falling back asleep. I'm going to pray that this ability to sleep continues to go well!

I wish I could be done with work for a couple weeks before this babe comes. I work in a Title I school, and it is just crazy. The parents don't seem to care about what their kids are doing, and seem to blame us for caring too little. Teaching is so different than what I anticipated when I signed up for this career. I think it's going to be VERY hard going back to work in March when my maternity leave is over. Hmm...maybe I can convince my hubby to let me stay home! ; )


  1. I am jealous of your ability to sleep so well! Glad everything is looking good with little man.

  2. Hope your sleep continues to follow the same pattern! Especially for a teacher, sleep is so important! Teaching is draining emotionally as well as physically. A teacher in my school let me borrow her extra rolling chair so that during work time I can roll from table to table to check in with my students. It really helps to have a little extra time off of my feet during the day but I am still getting used to allowing myself to sit...I have spent the last 4+ years totally on my feet and sitting during class time feels unnatural! I, too, wish I could take some time off before my baby arrives. I sort of have a built in break with Christmas but that will be crazytime with family/friends and then I have to go back to school for the last week and a half of my pregnancy.

    For now, try not to think of the transition back to work in March! Focus on taking care of yourself and then focus on you and that little boy you'll be meeting soon!!

  3. I hope you can stay away longer!!! I *think* I'm going back the day before Winter Break (that way I get paid over break) and I'm already dreading it... I try not to think about it, but it creeps in sometimes. Eeek. Hope you continue to feel well and sleep well. SO flippin' excited for you, Katie!!!!!

  4. That's awesome you're still sleeping well...can't believe you are almost there. Just love reading your updates!! Pretty soon you'll be updating us with the birth of your little man, crazy!!!
