
Monday, May 21, 2012

There's a Real Live Human in There!!!

Had the ultrasound today. I'm officially 10 weeks and 5 days preggers. This ultrasound was so much more fun than the last two. We heard and saw the heart beat (nice and strong), saw arms and legs, and EARS!! I'm happy to report that our little shu has ears just like his or her daddy...Adam's ears stick out just a bit! I swear if you look at the baby's head it is the exact profile of Adam's. So special!

Other than the ultra sound, the appointment was uneventful. I had some sickness yesterday. I was dizzy all day long. The doctor said to just make sure that I am very hydrated, especially now that the summer has arrived. So I parked my behind on the couch all day and caught up on TV shows and am finishing reading the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. I only have about 150 more pages to go! Super excited for all my summer reading now that there are officially 4 days of school left! YIPEE!!!!!!!


  1. I smiled reading this entire post... so fun! Isn't it incredible when you can recognize your baby as parts of you and Adam? Baby B totally has Doug's nose!

    So happy for you-- enjoy every second!!! I'm thinking of reading 50 shades... I've heard SO much about it. Enjoy the end of the year... and SUMMER!!!

  2. Awwwe:) How fun and amazing! Hope whatever was making you feel sick/dizzy is taken care of by extra water and a restful summer! Four days left?! I can't wait until I can say that, too...we have 12.5 teaching days to go at my school!

  3. How wonderful!! I'm so happy things are going well for you!!!

  4. How awesome! I can't wait for those days!!
