
Saturday, January 28, 2012

No Period, but not Pregnant

Overall, I have been super positive and had an awesome week! I really don't have to whine too much today! I exercised 4 days this week, which is excellent, and lost 3 pounds! For once I have lost weight by not "dieting," but from doing what I should be doing which is eating healthfully 80% of the time and exercising at least 30 minutes a day - I did 6 hours of working out this week and so I met my requirement plus some!

I thought I'd get my blood tests back from earlier this week, since I now know who my nurse is and she is pretty much on top of things. Maybe on Monday. I'm interested to see how much my change in lifestyle will affect my liver numbers. Once I get the blood tests back I'm supposed to be going on Metformin. I'll just add it to my pill buffet of vitamins!

I should've gotten my period on Monday, and now it is Saturday with no signs or symptoms of it coming. I expected this because I didn't really ovulate to my knowledge, so no egg = no period for me. Well, just in case, I took a pregnancy test...I haven't taken one in awhile so that excitement and feeling of possibility was there, but was quickly gone when it came out negative. I didn't really think it would be positive, but it would've been fantastic if it was! Hopefully this metformin will get some of my insulin resistance in order to make my body start functioning a little more normal, and will make me ovulate. And maybe the hubs one lucky swimmer will make it! That would just be all the answers to our many many prayers!

Have a great weekend! I'm off to the gym for a couple of hours so when I go eat at Mexican tonight with our friends I can be okay with eating what I'm going to eat!


  1. PCOS sucks! It tricks you! When we first started on this journey, I used the month long ovulation predictors. Those things are expensive now! I'm praying for you! You deserve a miracle baby!

  2. Congrats on the weightloss and you are right it is a lifestyle not a diet. I have to keep reminding myself of the 80/20 rule a lot of the time. How much met are you going to be taking?

    1. Thanks, Megan! I do not know the dosage yet. I am waiting for my nurse to call me back with my blood test results to find out. Are you on it? Any tips/advice?

    2. I am on 1000mg and I do get some of the symptoms like upset stomach and such. They seem to come and go but I have found that taking my pills at night really helps. I do go to my doctor on Wednesday and I am wondering if he will up the dose or leave it the same. I also did lose weight with it and I am hoping that if he does up the dose more weight will come off.
